Dadavan Outcomes Workshop

  • Posted on: 19 February 2015
  • By: angiemorris

On February 11 & 12, KNet hosted "Dadavan Outcomes Workshop" in Sioux
Lookout.  13 Data Administrators from 11 communities came out to learn
about the new features being offered in Dadavan and listen to
presentations from Kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre and KNet.

The 13 community based Data Administrators actively participated in
Dadavan’s working presentation on Attendance Taking, Reporting and Student
Retention functions. The agenda also covered topics such as School Setup
Review, Review of Student Tab and data cascades, Data Management &
confidentiality of data, Attendance Module, Movement of Students, Student
Services – Retention, Ministry of Ontario Enrolment Register Status,
Ontario Student Record, File Manager, Uploading Photos, Report Wizard and
the Parent and Student Pages.

Thank you to Dadavan for the great presentations and to the participants
in attendance!

If you have any questions, please follow up with Jesse Fiddler at